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6 Common eCommerce Mistakes and How to Fix Them

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6 eCommerce Mistakes and How to Fix Them

There are many different types of eCommerce mistakes that can occur even after the initial launch. The following mistakes and solutions are the most common.

1. Site Security

Everyone worries about their data when they are online, even more so when ordering online. Users want their data to be secured and that means that the website itself has to be secure. According to Flavio Martins, VP of Operations of DigiCert, “Studies show that up to 25 percent of users have actually stopped an online purchase because of website security concerns.” This is a bigger concern for smaller eCommerce sites since the number of sales are smaller so the loss impact is much bigger. A website is secure when you see this:  https - ecommerce mistakes - website design in rockford  at the top left of the address bar. HTTPS is a digital certificate that provides your website authenticity and an encrypted connection to protect online users’, in this case, online shoppers’ data. The great thing about switching your website from HTTP to HTTPS is that it can be done quickly and within budget. That green lock on your website speaks volumes.

2. Unintuitive or Tedious Website Navigation

If your customers can’t find what they’re looking for or things are shown clearly, prospective customers will leave the site! Navigation should be simple and easy. Menus should be precise to minimize the number of clicks, work, for customers to find what they’re looking for. And if on mobile, the mobile version of the site should be responsive. No one wants to waste time zooming in and out and scrolling a page. A responsive page also helps with loading speed.

3. Search Bar Capabilities

According to Andy Eades from Elevate Web, “customers who use on-site search to find products are more than three times more likely to convert than customers who don’t.” Relevant and quick results help speed up the buying process and make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for.

4. Bad Quality Product Images

Most of the time customers go online to see the product before heading to the brick-and-mortar. But if your business is online only, customers need to see exactly what the products look like and the different colors. It’s important to have multiple angles and have a zoom in feature.

5. Contacting the Seller is Difficult

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In case anything happens with the order, customers want the option of contacting the seller. Whether the order did not go through or there are shipping questions, a phone number or email provides that accessibility. A clear communication avenue is especially important with eCommerce.

6. Too Long of a Checkout Process

Once customers have decided to go ahead and purchase an item, they want the process to be simple and quick. When your checkout process has too many unnecessary question or fields customers are will abandon the website and it leads to lower conversion rates. If the checkout requires multiple checkout pages it drives people away. The time that online users put towards researching a product is extensive, once they decide on the product they want the most hassle-free checkout process. Plus, the quicker the process the less time there is for the user to have to re-evaluate their decision.

Have any questions regarding any of these common eCommerce mistakes? Contact us today! We can help secure your website, make it responsive, and much more for your eCommerce!

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